martes, 14 de julio de 2020

Hi! I'm here to write some stuff in English. I want to express myself everyday (or some days) and at the same time I would like to practice the language. 

I was living in Cambridge (England) last year. I was there 4 months. In one hand it was time enough, because there was some things that I didn't like it. And some days I was sad and depress. But when I came back to Spain, I regretted it. 

It has been great first months when I get here in Spain, but later I started to think that I had had to stay longer in England. I don't know... 

But now, one year later I still feeling regretted. I want to come back. 

I started to study for statal public employment on January of this year, and I'm so sure doing this. But in the meantime I would like to live in Cambridge again. It may be nice come back to work a few hours per week, to get some money and to do something else besides study all day. That way I can see people and I can feel usefull. 

Also, I have two friends in there. and maybe this time we can do more plans and go out somedays. 

I feel different from last year. Maybe it's a mistake and it would be basically the same shit. But maybe not. Maybe it's a good idea and we can go and feel fine and pass the time until I get my place in public employment. 

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